Channel Management

Channel Management

In the bustling world of technology companies, the role of Partner or Channel Management is akin to a master conductor orchestrating symphonies of partnerships and revenue streams. Yet, despite its pivotal significance, it often needs clarification about its...
Smart Channel Management Tactics

Smart Channel Management Tactics

Challenges like stagnant partnership revenue, high sales costs, and unclear channel performance are too common in the fast-moving partner and channel management world. Professionals aiming to turn their partner/channel organizations into solid sources of revenue...
My Partner Has No End-of-Quarter Urgency

My Partner Has No End-of-Quarter Urgency

“I can’t believe it! I just got an out-of-office reply from the partner sales rep running the largest deal of the quarter! How can she think it’s OK to take holiday the last two weeks of our quarter!” Intellectually we know that partners don’t always run their...